“Look good, feel good” That’s my moto! I want you to feel at ease and confident from the moment you sit in my chair. I like to get to know my clients as I believe it’s not just about a haircut but an overall style that will work for you every day. I love it when my own hair looks and feels at its best. It’s a big part of our image and this is why I get a huge satisfaction from seeing my clients leaving the salon elated!
I am also WWW.Comb’s resident hair extension specialist. Hair extensions give our customers more options. Whether it is a full head of glamorous long locks you crave, simply a bit more volume or just a few pieces to funk up a shorter style. They can also just help to achieve a certain look for an occasion such as a wedding or prom, which is another area of hairdressing I get a real buzz from. There is nothing better than contributing to someone’s big day!
I became a stylist fresh out of school and of course my Mum and director Lisa has been a great teacher. I have also worked at other salon’s, including the famous Daniel Galvin Salon in London. However www.comb is where my heart lies and it has a real spirit where you have a freedom to play and be creative. I have dreams of taking the www.comb brand to the next level with complete image consultation, make-up looks and even one day a WWW.Comb Spa!